Sunday, September 1, 2019

Two Little Girls Bring Joy - and an Even Busier Life

The picture was taken in 1968, so almost a year after my own diary entry in 1967.   Dan and I (Diane) are sitting in the living room of our first house, which was in Mt. Prospect IL. I am holding Cynthia Jo (11 months) & Dan has Lynn Meredith (2 years + 1 month.)

August 9, 1967 - Wednesday   "Hurray!  Cynthia slept from 6 PM to 4 AM.  It looks like she's moving toward all night sleep at this tiny 4-week stage.    She's really something! ...This was an exceptional day -- much smoother than most have been since Cynthia's birth.  The morning was frantic with both children awake, then the bathrooms and kitchen to clean and a few phone calls to boot.  But from lunchtime on, all went well.  

Beth and the boys arrived at around 1:00,  after our lunch and during Lynn's.  Lynn was passed around from one area to another.  She enjoys her mobility in the walker very much!  I'm sure she will walk fairly soon...Beth is rested, relaxed after 2 weeks in Florida and 2 weeks away from the children and household in Springfield.  Talked for a couple of hours.  

Then Lynn and I took a quick shopping trip to Randhurst.  She's such a cute, bright little thing.  We're very lucky to have her.  Darlene Cibic called today and I declined dinner this Saturday.  Dan and I started to go over our social calendar, but gave up.  The last few years have been unbelievably busy.  I'm afraid that one day I will look in the mirror and see an old woman gazing out.  I hope I age with grace, wisdom and good humor.  

Beth was my brother's first wife.  Her mother lived in Springfield, so may have taken the boys while Ken & Beth enjoyed a vacation. They lived in Des Plaines IL at that point with their 2 boys.  Philip was almost 6 and Roger nearly 3.  Darlene & Bob Cibic were good friends...Cindy did not sleep through the night until she was about 3 months, so I was overly optimistic!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Ruth's Birthday on July 5,1983

The top picture shows the Pellettieres in Palatine in 1981:  (l to r) Cindy (14), Diane, Dan, Lynn (15).  In front is Katie, age 11.

The lower picture shows Diane's parents, John and Ruth (Meredith) Kellogg in 1977 at ages 78 (John) and 71 (Ruth).  They moved from Oak Park IL to Clearwater FL after retiring.

Tuesday, July 5, 1983 - "Seventy-seven today!  On my birthday I think about Ken's and Diane's ages too.  He's 52 and Diane was 47 in May.  And John will be 84 in August !  And Mom tops them all at 96 so far.  I went to see her also today.  We sat outside briefly & then a phone call from John that he had to go to Dunedin about typewriter got me started homeward.  He got a new typewriter then."                                                                                                                            

I've noticed that Mom gets dates confused, repeats herself when writing, etc.  Dementia was poking its fingers into her life, but not enough to alarm John or others who saw her often.  It was to intrude
more and more as the '80s rolled on.

The day after Ruth's birthday is a mix of activities that appear often in her diaries.
Wednesday, July 6, 1983 - "I spent 1/2 hour getting tennis instruction from Pro, Bill Rousseau  this A.M.  Then home to peel off my very wet clothing and shower. Hot!

At 12:15 I was at Beauty Shop where Mary Cox gave me a cut and a new Perm.  It was $30.00.  It's the most yet for a Perm I get every 4 to 5 months.  Feels good to be shorter and permed.  Just 4 days less than 5 months!  I'll be due for another in November if not before." 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Ruth's Diary Divulges A Clipping From 1976

The picture (1981) is more recent than the diary entry from 1976.  Kate (11) is in front of:  Cindy (14), Diane, Dan and Lynn (15).  We were in Palatine, standing before the fireplace in the family room.  Lynn and Cindy were at Fremd High School and Kate was at Hunting Ridge, a grade school.

In Ruth Kellogg's diary was a newspaper clipping dated May 20, 1976 about the end of daughter Diane's volunteer time at Hunting Ridge School.   "Diane Pellettiere, parent education committee chairman for Hunting Ridge School, received a surprise award from the school's PTA  Citizenship Committee Tuesday night.

The award was presented for Mrs. Pellettiere's 'outstanding service to the school.'  She was given a silver charm and a silver charm bracelet."

Then living in Clearwater FL, Ruth also had an entry in her diary for May 17, 1976.  "Diane is 40 years old today!  As we don't exchange birthday gifts (adults) she rec'd our card before now.  We had our 2nd Bowling Class lesson from 3 to 5.  Some dropped out, but still a crowd.  Trying to 'pick up spares' was more difficult, but at the end I was helped with foot placement and AGAIN had a STRIKE on final try."

Friday, March 22, 2019

All Dressed Up & Ready for the Picture - When Our Lab, Daisy, Drops In!

May, 1989 - Oldest daughter, Lynn, graduated from Rosary College in River Forest, IL.  My mother, Ruth Meredith Kellogg, came in from Clearwater Florida for the big event.  (By then my father, who was 7 years older, had passed away.)

I don't recall picking Mom up at O'Hare, but I was probably the driver.  "Mom stayed several days, the centerpiece of the trip being the graduation ceremony.  It was our first such event, Lynn being the oldest of the 3 girls.  She was graduating with a degree in Nutrition & Foods."

"At Rosary College - now called 'Dominican University' - a beautiful ceremony was held on Friday night.  Carrying candles like stars in the darkness, all of the graduates would went their way though outdoor corridors on an old, ornate campus building."  Lovely, but that night, May 5, it was very cold and snowed!!  

"Most of the graduates didn't wear coats, not wanting to cover up their new dresses.  Fortunately we viewers did bundle up as we sat huddled in chairs sat up on the lawn.  I was wearing a fur coat.  We all thawed out at an informal reception on campus afterward, thankfully held inside.  Graduation itself was inside on the following day.  It was uneventful -- and not as cold."

"The memory that's so vivid is of taking Mom to O'Hare a day or two later.  The picture I have is of waiting until the very end to board.  I remember how she walked down the long corridor to the plane, a small figure shrunk further by old age.   She was 82.  What happened on the flight I don't know -- only that she told my brother Ken, who met her at the airport, that it was awful and she would never fly again.  She never did."

What do I imagine?  That she was confused, much less capable than I had thought.  I should have quizzed Ken about any changes in her in 1989. ...The picture, taken in 1990, shows Kate, Dan and Diane in the back row and Cindy, Daisy and Lynn in front.  Daisy plopped down in front just as the picture was taken! 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary in Riverdale, NY

The wedding picture was taken at my parents' home in Oak Park  IL on Feb. 1, 1963.  From left to right:  Daniel Pellettiere Sr., Josephine Pellettiere, Dan Pellettiere Jr.,  Diane Kellogg Pellettiere, Ruth Kellogg and John Kellogg.  We were to leave for Philadelphia the next day, but a snowstorm kept us near O'Hare Airport another
night to Feb. 3rd.

Three years later, I left my job as a Technical Writer at U.S. Life in New York City  (documenting the info on huge room-size computers).  Back then, the rule at U.S. Life. was to work only until you were 5 months pregnant, which was Jan. 21 in my case, though Lynn Meredith was actually born on May 12.

Tuesday, Feb.1, 1966 - "Our third anniversary...I slept in the morning for an extra couple of hours after dusting...Took an afternoon nap too.  Took me a while, but I finally got going on the April "Lines of Communication" late in the afternoon.  I'll probably finish it tomorrow.  Had a nice steak dinner.  

Vi called and so did Mom & Dad P.  The baby dressette was delivered today.  It's nice.  I put all of the baby stuff (coupon samples) in the first drawer of the 5... Dan finished the income tax returns, did the cash flow, and worked on the blue still life.  I read.  We both watched Johnny Carson until
12:30.  I seem to sleep better if I stay up past 11:00."

I was writing a newsletter for U.S. Life, continuing it just for a month or two.  Vi (Veronica) Saletta was Dan's older sister, born 16 years before Dan.  Like the rest of the family, she and her husband, Chuck, lived in the Chicago area.  As a mother-to-be, this was a new experience - and so was not going to work.  I'd had my first (part-time) job at 14.

Friday, January 18, 2019

A Very Fine Day for Busch Gardens

The picture was taken in the back yard of 5458 W. Iowa St. in Chicago, where my mother, Ruth Kellogg, and her brother, Jimmie Meredith, were fooling around in the back yard.  The Merediths had lived in the 2-flat, renting out the smaller apartment above, since 1922.  This was probably
10 years before the diary entry.

Jan. 26, 1971 - "A very fine day for the big outing to Busch Gardens in Tampa.  We (Ruth and John) picked up Mom and Jim at about 10 AM.  We took our lunch with us and sat down twice for snacks.  We first took the Monorail train ride thru the wild animal zoo.  We had excellent talk during the ride about the animals.

Next we went to the bird show, which kept us on hard cement seats for an hour, but it was good as the finale of our expedition.  Mom didn't give in to renting a wheel chair, so she sat down now and then.  Her foot got pretty sore toward the end.  We got back to Largo at 3:35.  Came right back here.  Letter from Diane saying she is looking for a job for sake of her mental health.  

Florence phoned."

Ruth was probably about 55 when the picture was taken and Jimmie about 50.  They were 64 (Ruth)
and 59 (Jimmie) on the day of the trip to Busch Gardens.  Ruth's father had passed away in 1944 of a stroke and heart attack.  Ruth and John had moved to Florida

I don't recall looking for a job in 1971.  Kate was 1 year old that year with Cindy turning 4 in July and Lynn reaching 5 in May.  I did become a teacher aid later on.

Lottie's foot was sore because many years earlier she had fallen down the back stairs at Iowa Street and broken her foot.  She refused having it set, so had problems with it for the rest of her life.

Florence Ballentine, one of Ruth's closest friends, suffered with dementia by the 1970s, I believe.  She was able to call Ruth in 1971, but we don't know how well she could communicate by then.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Two Diaries: December 1954 (Diane's) and December 1971 (Ruth's)

When this picture was taken in 1954, Mom (Ruth Kellogg) and I were getting into her car, most likely going to church, clad in those high heels.
The car?  Maybe another Packard?  We are parked in front of 1210 N. Euclid, Oak Park where we lived for about 25 years.

I thought it would be interesting to compare my diary entry from Dec. 7, 1954 to my mother's on the same date in 1971.  It turns out that I said very little about Pearl Harbor Day, the beginning of World War II in 1941 - and my mother said nothing at all.  Perhaps we commemorate events more after 50 or 75 years have passed.  However, you can see the way our lives were going at 18 and 65 and what we were focused on.

Diane's Diary - Dec. 7, 1954 - I was in college at the University of Illinois, partway through my freshman year and very involved in my sorority, AOII, where I lived on Mathews St.  I was still writing to my high school boyfriend at this point, who was a senior in high school.

"I really got tired & depressed today, 2 hours of Illio creamed me...Pearl Harbor was 13 years ago...Nancy Klopfenstein was pinned to Terry tonight.  He's going in the service; I'm happy for them!  Got A on that term paper sentence outline I slaved over at Thanksgiving.  Have got a million things to do - that dance chairmanship will involve making table decorations & place cards.  Gotta work.  Wrote Morey at end of phone duty.  Wish he were here.  Wish I had his pin..."

Ruth's Diary - Dec. 7, 1971 - Ruth and John had moved to Clearwater FL where they knew some couples who'd been at First Baptist in Oak Park.  Ruth was 65 and John 72 at this point.
They seemed to enjoy life in Florida & develop more friends in their building, Horizon House. 
This was a retiree building (55 and older), so they were among the younger set.  In 1971 they
went to a lot of parties in December and also a funeral of a friend, Mildred Johnson, who died suddenly on December 16.  Beth was my brother's first wife.

"I 'm tired!  So tired that John decided to MAKE the supper all by himself.  I was re-making one of the 2 ties I had finished for him.  He wore  it once and wanted a heavier inner facing, which we bought on Sunday.  I hate "doing something over."  It's done.  Also got out the Xmas decorations.  All of this after we played 3 sets of tennis in afternoon with Jean & Ray Boehne!  I got into tub but was still exhausted, but had to get that tie done and ready to straighten house for awhile, I hope.  All necessary Xmas work done - next Xmas dinner which is undecided.  I talked to Beth, who will decide how we will do it - eat there or out."